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News >> What are the advantages of electric film?
The electric film a lot of people do not know, what products do, in fact, in our lives, many products now have the participants of the electric film, electric film is a heating power of film, the process of making it directly produced in electricAPPARATUS on an insulating surface, and the heater having a wide range of contact. Achieve high thermal efficiency,
Second: the temperature of the heating film itself is only higher than liquid tens of degrees, no fire, and fever film almost no space itself is not very high temperatures, insulation, insulation greatly facilitate alleviate a lot of the weight of the appliance;
Third: the heat capacity of the electric film, heat source Open a rapid shutdown; electric film is transparent, attached to the transparent substrate, the entire apparatus can be made ​​transparent; the film is with water, acid, alkali and the advantages of high mechanical strength.
So such a good product is now used in many electrical products. This is a scientific and technological progress of the show